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  • Writer's pictureNicky

Dorset Apple Cake

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

My grandmother lived in Dorset after the war. Apples were, and still are, abundant in the autumn and this was a quick and easy way to use up some of the windfalls from the garden. This is from my mother's book and below you will see the cryptic instructions she passed on to me!

It is best made with firm eating apples - Bramley apples tend to fall apart when cooked - and can either be made as a cake or is equally good as a pudding served with custard.

100g self raising flour, sieved

50g butter, softened

pinch of salt

1 egg, beaten

75g caster sugar

2 apples, peeled, cored and chopped small

splash of milk to loosen the mixture

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Line the bottom of a 20cm tin with greaseproof paper or, if you prefer, simply grease a pie dish with butter.

Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, beat in the egg and then add the flour and a pinch of salt. If the mix needs loosening, add a splash of milk. Stir in the chopped apples and put the mixture into your tin or pie dish. Bake for 45 minutes.

When it is ready and while still warm, sprinkle with caster sugar.

This makes one cake, but I usually double the quantities as one cake doesn't last long in our house!

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