Easter is synonymous with eggs, and if you have children, (or even if you don't!) it's the chocolate ones that count. We always have lots of mini eggs in our house which are perfect for adding to cookies and for decorating cakes to make them festive. So while you wait for the Easter bunny to arrive (and before you hide all the eggs in the garden!), why not try out these two simple recipes.
Mini eggs are perfect for filling little chocolate Easter 'nests', and this recipe is perfect for keeping kids of all ages occupied in the kitchen for a few hours.

All you need is your favourite breakfast cereal (we used shredded wheat), some milk chocolate (or you could use half milk and half dark chocolate) and a knob of butter.
So that's -
100g of cereal, 250g chocolate, 25g of butter
- which makes 8 small nests.
Break the chocolate into a bowl, add the butter and melt over a saucepan of simmering water. While the chocolate is melting, crumble up the cereal into another bowl. Then simply mix the two together until the cereal is completely coated in chocolate. Spoon a couple of teaspoonfuls in some cupcake cases and make an indent in the middle. Once it's cooled and set, add your little chocolate eggs.
Mini eggs are also good for adding to cookies - I used my chocolate chip cookies recipe and substituted the chocolate chips and walnuts with mini eggs. It's probably a good idea to smash some of them up a bit but I left a few whole too.
If you prefer something less chocolatey but just as festive, try my Easter fairy cakes