My grandmother calls this an 'afternoon tea special' but I would call it a Rock Bun, something I learned to make in ‘Domestic Science’ class at school in England.
War time rationing dictated that it contain little butter and sugar, a cupful of milk and a dried egg. I have followed her recipe to the letter, (apart from the dried egg) although these days two eggs and less milk seems to be the norm.
This is similar to a fruity scone but no cutters are needed. Simply roughly pile the mixture onto a baking tray and it will come out looking like a rock! Best eaten warm from the oven with loads of butter and even jam!

450g plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
50g butter, softened
50g caster sugar
125g sultanas or chopped dates
1 egg, beaten
200ml milk
Preheat the oven to 200ºC
Line 2 baking sheets with greaseproof paper

Sieve the flour with the baking powder and salt. Beat together the butter and sugar and add the beaten egg with a spoonful of the flour mixture. Then alternately add the rest of the flour mixture and milk. When combined, stir in the fruit.
You should now have a soft dough which you can ‘chop in lumps’ and place on the baking tray. Shake a little sugar on the top, demerara gives a good crunch if you have it.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, (depending on the size of your buns) or ‘until well browned’.