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  • Writer's pictureNicky

Runner Bean Chutney

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Runner beans do not seem an obvious choice for chutney but here’s a recipe I found in my mother’s book given to her by ‘old Joe’s wife’. This is marvellous, has a mild curry flavour and a wonderful yellow tinge thanks to the mustard and turmeric. I have made it over the years when I’ve had a glut of runner beans in the garden.

Runner bean chutney with a mild curry flavour

1 kg runner beans, topped, tailed and sliced

5 medium onions, chopped small

700g demerara sugar

1½ tbsp turmeric

1½ tbsp English mustard powder

1½ tbsp cornflour

900ml cider or white wine vinegar

First of all, sterilise your jars.

Have a look at 'all you need to know about making chutney' if you’re not sure how to do this.

Slice the beans and put them into a saucepan - I have a bean slicer which makes this very easy. Add the chopped onions and cover with water. Cook until tender - about 15 minutes.

Strain and cut everything up quite small. Return to the pan and add the sugar and most of the vinegar, keeping a small amount aside. Boil for 15 minutes.

Mix together the cornflour, turmeric, and mustard powder in a small bowl and blend with the remaining vinegar. Add to the beans mixture and boil for a further 15 minutes, stirring from time to time. Make sure it doesn’t catch on the bottom of the pan.

Draw your spoon through the mixture and if it does not immediately fill with juice, the chutney is ready. Allow to cool slightly, spoon into your prepared jars and put the lids on.

This makes about five jars.

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